Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Stylish Blog Award - Oh Yeah!

Ginger at Support Blog for Moms of Boys gave me the Stylish Blog Award!!!  I was so surprised and so greatful that someone noticed and remembered my blog!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you Ginger!! 
 Go check out her AWESOME blog:


Here are the rules to accept this award:

1. Thank and link back. check!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.  check!
3. Pass it on to 15 bloggers.  check!
4. Contact and congratulate those bloggers.  doing now :-)

7 Things about myself:
1. I'm married to one of the greatest guys in the world who gave me
3 bonus children and they have given me 2 grandchildren (well almost - one is due in Jan.)
2.  I'm Hawaiian (my parents live there)
3.  I have 2 tatoos
4.  I collect boyd bears, lady bugs, daisies and ornaments
5.  I love geocaching
6.  I {{heart}} clearance!
7.  I am a teacher by day and just received the Teacher of the Year award!!

15 Priceless Blogs:
1. C.R.A.F.T.

Whew!  Thank you for visiting and thank you all you AWESOME blogs for providing wonderful information to all of us every week!!
Being recognized by a peer = Pricele$$


  1. Thank you!! What a great way to start my morning :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Shantel! This is very sweet of you. I'll definitely make sure to share the love~

  4. Thank you so very much for passing your award onto me! I so appreciate you, your thoughtfulness and you visiting my blog. It means so very much! Many, many thanks!

  5. Thanks so much for the award!

    I also heart clearance : )

  6. Wow! Thanks so much! I so appreciate it. You totally made my day. I hope you have a very merry christmas!


Please leave a comment because they are Pricele$$ to me!!